Celebrity Scientists

For my last blog, I wanted to write about something that was somewhat related to astronomy: celebrity scientists. Specifically, I wanted my last blog to be why Bill Nye is not a scientist. He should not be having millions of followers or appearing at colleges and talk shows (not scientists should be creating a “brand” in my opinion). Bill Nye matters because of his impact on science and, specifically, astronomy. For example, he accompanied Trump’s nominee for NASA Administrator to “promote space exploration.” It’s obvious that he has a big impact on science  and astronomy, a very BAD impact.

First of all, Bill Nye lacks the qualifications for being a scientist. Bill Nye has a mechanical engineering degree. That’s it. He has no graduate degree and has not done any research to qualify for the title of scientist. Normally, to be called a scientist, one must obtain at least a PhD. The kids show that he hosted for many years did not delve into topics that require many years of scientific expertise and research. The information was mundane and often revolved around basic biology, chemistry, and physics. He is in no way qualified to even earn the title of scientist. The most well-known scientists are Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and… Bill Nye? Surely we have been mislead.

Bill Nye is what I would call a celebrity scientist. He has a large following because of not only his entertainment value, but because of his political views. His Twitter is littered with political tweets, and he often appears on CNN and Fox News. Elite colleges and even world leaders (for example Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) even engage with him. He appeals to millennials and other young people who have terribly naive perspectives. When tweeting or appearing on shows, his views are rudimentary at best. Yes, we can all agree that climate change is a bad thing. However, the question is how we can best attempt to curb climate change without destroying economies and jobs that could, in some cases, lead to more people in poverty. What is required is a nuanced and practical solution. Switching to all renewables in the next twenty or thirty years, contrary to the minds of many college students and Bill Nye fans, is not in any way practical and is bound to have severe repercussions.

Bill Nye is not good for the scientific community. His job is to spark laughter and good feelings, not to spark serious scientific discussion. Although he may appear harmless, he is actually a leech that sucks out the scientific community to build his own brand.

Most of my information will be taken from this blog and this site.

Bill Nye and Justin Trudeau
From National Post

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